Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monkeys on the Mountain

This week we took two groups of kids up to the Alto del Higo, the highest spot in the province.  The first group consisted of eighteen kids from grades 7-9, boarding students at the school. The second group was made up of nine students living in our town from grades 1-8.  These kids don't have computers or video games at home, so they spend a lot of time outside running around and climbing things.  They climb as well as monkeys!  They are able to race 1000 ft up a mountain and still have energy to climb up the 90 ft tower when they get there.  We are constantly amazed at how much energy they have, and also how well they treat one another.  They are kind to each other, helpful, and they share water and food with one another.  They are just happy kids.  Nobody complained that they were tired, even after charging up and down the mountain.  The first and second graders were right up in the front with everybody else.  

This vine is a popular stopping point on the hike

The boarding students were unlucky enough to find that the top of the mountain was in a cloud when we arrived.  It was clear on the way up, and clear after we descended, but our time on top had zero visibility.  The kids climbed the tower anyway.

Climbing up into the cloud

They still found time to swing on the vine on the way downhill.  This kid climbs with his backpack on!

The tower is like a big jungle gym, with lots of bars to hang on to.  The younger group had a ball.

These kids love to have their pictures taken.

Johannys (2nd grade) poses for the camera

Meicol (3d grade) relaxes at the top (100 ft up).
Only three of the kids had the nerve to climb the whole tower.

Ebelio perches near the top.  The people below look really small.

Steve enjoys the view from the top

Jair and Noelis pose for the camera

By the way, the kids all climbed barefoot.  They kicked off their sandals and crocs at the bottom of the tower.  It's just the way they are used to climbing.

They will climb just about anything they can.  Here is Kevin climbing up a tree that looks like it can barely hold his weight.

Michelle and Noelis climb the vine

Heather gets in on the action

Relaxing at the Baileys' house after the hike

Another day, these three sisters walked a mile from their house to visit us.  Heather helped the eldest one to study for her English final exam.

Aracellys, Itzel, and Mayelis with Heather

The ninth graders finished their final exams last week.  Since the school doesn't have a yearbook, they sign each other's shirts for a souvenir of their middle school years.

 Luis is a popular guy!

Another Birthday Party!

Last week we attended the birthday party of our landlady, Constantina.  

The neighborhood kids showed up in force, as is usual for birthday parties.  

Of course, we had to have a piñata.  Here is a photo of everyone scrambling for the candy after it was broken.

That's it for now!  

Steve and Heather

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